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Leaving taboos at the door: New rental property prices.

Leaving taboos at the door: New rental property prices.


Let’s not beat around the bush: bringing up money when it’s time find an apartment to rent—whether in beautiful Montreal or elsewhere across Quebec—can quickly become a taboo issue.

Welcome to the age of the tenants

Welcome to the age of the tenants


A 2-minute love song to leasing, in the form of a musical manifesto (à la Pierre Lapointe, but Pierre Lapointe didn’t write it).

Rebuttals to explain to your family why renting beats buying.

Rebuttals to explain to your family why renting beats buying.


With family members grilling us at every gathering about when we’re going to finally buy a bungalow on the South Shore, we’ve gotten the message: People think renting should be a temporary fix, not a lifestyle choice.

Spaces that do you good.
Sustainable development

Spaces that do you good.

Sustainable development

The average apartment for rent in Montreal tends to come with the usual “amenities”: poorly insulated walls, warped floors and wobbly furniture, coat after coat of paint to cover the last tenant’s garish apple green. Described in the ad as “quaintly charming.” Ahem.

With telework becoming the new normal, living spaces are changing.

With telework becoming the new normal, living spaces are changing.


It’s official: more than 80% of Canadians feel good about teleworking and don’t want to go back to an office setting, according to a survey conducted earlier this year by Léger in collaboration with the Association for Canadian Studies. Homes have never been fuller!